
Ray Delano

What is your character's name going to be?:Rey Delano 

Your steam64ID (Can be found at ):76561198083645394

Your discord name and #:

Write a short backstory of your character (50 Words or more): Once the full nuclear war broke out I left Los Angeles where I was born and raised. Needed to get out of the major target zones. I ended up In the east coast traveling with like minded people. At that time the numbers of infected were lower. Because of my medical background I managed to get a job on a freighter as the ship medic. We sailed to the Italian shore. By this time the number of infected were growing. I headed east towards Chernaus. I heard of a multicultural military existence there and though that this would be a safer environment than with the average person. Although I have never been in the military, I grew up training in firearms and tactics. 

What is NLR and how long is it active?:1km for one hour 

At which point can you kill someone on sight?:
In KOS area
What is metagaming?:
using outside information/communication for your advantage 

Under what grounds can your character be permakilled?:if you agree to pk or If hostage and do not comply to commands 

Can you use discord to talk to your friends in-game?: yes 

Have you been part of any RP communities in the past, ARMA 3, DayZ, or another game?:yes 

